Contest Winner Announced

Thank you to all of the students across Ontario who took the time to share with us your thoughts on student nutrition. We look forward to sharing ...

Thank you to all of the students across Ontario who took the time to share with us your thoughts on student nutrition.

We look forward to sharing them over the coming weeks to help Canadians gain a window into the impact of student nutrition through your lens.

You have given your voice to this important topic. We are very excited about what is to come.

One student from among you was (randomly) selected as 'the winner' who will attend the Night to Nurture Gala, which helps raise funds for programs, as well as supporting mental health.

We're most pleased to announce Jada Bassett from St. Michael's School in Belleville has won. 

Help Us Make Breakfast a Reality for a Hungry Child

Chasing dreams should be part of every child’s day. Going without breakfast shouldn’t be.
