There Are Many
Ways to Help
School breakfast programs are vital to happy tummies. Many are struggling to keep up with demand. Donate at your local participating grocery store during their campaign (details below) or donate online.
About Make Happy Tummies™
Make Happy Tummies is enabled by community partners, including the grocery industry, restaurants, individual donors, and organizations who come together to fundraise for local breakfast programs through an annual grocery store campaign and local initiatives.
100% of donations raised through Make Happy Tummies make their way to local stigma-free breakfast programs managed by our partners Student Nutrition Ontario and Breakfast Club of Canada.
Make Happy Tummies
Coming to a Grocery Store Near You
Our Toonies for Tummies campaign is set to return to grocery stores coast-to-coast under its new name, Make Happy Tummies.
Our community has grown and includes several new brands and retailers who are supporting our efforts in Quebec.
Help us make 2 million meals possible for children in thousands of neighbourhoods, including yours!
Sponsor partners make it possible for 100% of your donation to make a difference.
Enter your postal code on our donation tracker to find one of the 3,000+ programs that benefit from generous donations today.
See Participating Retailers and Learn More