Toonies for Tummies: The Facts

The Grocery Foundation is very proud of the Toonies for Tummies program and the fact that shoppers have positively responded to the campaign throu...

The Grocery Foundation is very proud of the Toonies for Tummies program and the fact that shoppers have positively responded to the campaign through their donations at the till.

Details of the Toonies for Tummies program are fully disclosed to the public via several sources. Our site details our campaign goal, our partners and the fact that 100 per cent of monies raised go back in full to programs in the region(s) where they are collected. Of note, retail partners who support the campaign do not receive a tax receipt.

Adding to the campaign’s transparency, this year, stores shared with shoppers the number of children in their specific region who benefit from school nutrition programs bringing the level of information we share into even greater focus.

Shoppers can also track their Toonie using their postal code to see local programs in their area. This is available via our Toonie Tracker site While schools are not named, respecting privacy, buildings are visible, helping shoppers see where their donation is going in their community or in the case of Atlantic Canada, programs are named.

The Toonies for Tummies program reflects insight from Canadians based on a survey in 2014 which confirmed 88 per cent of Canadians report they are inclined to give to a charity if they know they are making a difference and 89 per cent agree that even $1 or $2 can.

There is little doubt that the Toonies campaign and the $2 donations deliver positive impact. With the support of shoppers, The Grocery Foundation has provided funds which have helped fund more than 86 million meals for school-aged children in 2013 alone.

Shoppers who opted to donate were also offered a coupon booklet as thanks for their donation.

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Chasing dreams should be part of every child’s day. Going without breakfast shouldn’t be.
