Support Toonies for Tummies at Longo's!

There are multiple ways to support Toonies for Tummies in 2016. Shop at participating retailers, like Longo's between February 4 and 18, look for...

There are multiple ways to support Toonies for Tummies in 2016.

Shop at participating retailers, like Longo's between February 4 and 18, look for our sponsor brands.

Donate $2.00 at the cash.

Donate online and track your donation at

Share your support! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and like us on Facebook. Then tell your friends and family about the need and impact student nutritional programs in Ontario schools has on the 1 in 6 children who come to school hungry!

It only takes a Toonie to fill a Tummy! Thank you for helping us help the approximately 800,000 school-aged kids in Ontario who use the 4,500 nutritional programs across Ontario.

Rosanne Longo talks Toonies For Tummies It only takes a toonie to fill a tummy - support Toonies For Tummies at Longo's today!
Posted by Longo's on Thursday, February 4, 2016

Help Us Make Breakfast a Reality for a Hungry Child

Chasing dreams should be part of every child’s day. Going without breakfast shouldn’t be.
