Support Kids in Your Community

Yesterday, two of our Agents of Change students, Emma and MacKenzie, took part in Breakfast Television in Toronto which also aired in Vancouver an...

Yesterday, two of our Agents of Change students, Emma and MacKenzie, took part in Breakfast Television in Toronto which also aired in Vancouver and in Calgary.

We are very proud of all of the Agents of Change Ambassadors who are making the Toonies for Tummies campaign their own and helping spotlight the impact these programs are having.


Watch Tracy Moore talk about The Grocery Foundation and Toonies for Tummies on BT Calgary

About 1,218,534 kids are served at student nutrition programs each year in Ontario. We are product to work with our partner, the Ontario Student Nutrition Program Network and all of the lead agencies across Ontario to help ensure your donations are used toward nutritious meals and snacks in elementary and high schools.

Programs in western Canada are having a similar impact. According to our partner, Breakfast Club of Canada about 9,179 kids are served at student nutrition programs each day in Manitoba & Saskatchewan and 13,216 kids are served at student nutrition programs each day in Alberta & BC. Take a look at the impact and just how many children are benefitting from our collective efforts and donations.

Click for the full infographic

100% of proceeds raised from #Toonies4Tummies remain in the community in which they’re donated.

Our goal is to raise $850,000 during this two week campaign. Providing over 1.7 million health snacks and meals in schools across Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia.

Donate today!

Help Us Make Breakfast a Reality for a Hungry Child

Chasing dreams should be part of every child’s day. Going without breakfast shouldn’t be.
