Subject: You are the best

Dear Grocery Foundation, Today I had a very good day. I help run two school breakfast programs in Shelburne Ontario, Glenbrook Elementary School a...

Dear Grocery Foundation,

Today I had a very good day.

I help run two school breakfast programs in Shelburne Ontario, Glenbrook Elementary School and Hyland Heights. My role is to make breakfast each morning at Glenbrook and to purchase all of the groceries for both programs. Both schools are open for breakfast 5 days a week and we make up lunches and snacks that can be accessed during the day for students in need. Both schools are in a high needs area.

On Friday morning a visitor to the program asked a grade 2 student if she was excited that it was almost the weekend. The student said no, which was unfathomable to the visitor. She asked again.

" You wouldn't want it to be school every day would you?" The student looked at the bagel in her hand, grinned from ear to ear, and said "Yes!"

Moments like this arise and remind us how important the programs are to our community. Our community has been good to support us when they can, but the needs are high and we are always careful to make sure we spend each dollar to get the most for the kids that we can.

Today my partner in these two programs and I filled out our voucher orders. Then we ourselves grinned from ear to ear. Each summer we worry that you will end the voucher program, vouchers that let us feed twice as many kids with those dollars.

Twice as many little grins, twice as many full tummies.

You are making such a huge difference to so many families, but I wanted you to know the difference you make to one little girl with a bagel.

Thank you for making today a very good day. We are so very grateful.

Kit and Tara

Help Us Make Breakfast a Reality for a Hungry Child

Chasing dreams should be part of every child’s day. Going without breakfast shouldn’t be.
