Student Nutrition Volunteers Honoured by The Grocery Foundation

Thanks to the efforts of volunteers from across the province, kids returning to school are starting their day off right with a healthy meal. It's ...

Thanks to the efforts of volunteers from across the province, kids returning to school are starting their day off right with a healthy meal.

It's little surprise these volunteers are known to school administrators and parents as the lifeblood of student nutrition, providing both nutritious meals and a welcoming environment for students. But outside of their immediate community, few people know of these amazing individuals who are making a difference in the lives of countless children from across the province.

To honour these volunteers and their efforts, The Grocery Foundation, has made arrangements for $500 donation in their name which will go towards vital capital equipment such as fridges and stoves. These volunteers are being identified in 14 regions across the province and will be profiled here in the coming weeks.

We invite you to join us in thanking them for their dedication and for nourishing our neighbourhoods.

School: Woodbine HS, Toronto, ON
Grades: 7 - 9
Volunteer: Sharon Morgan

Thanks to Sharon, Woodbine Jr. H.S. in Toronto now has a student nutrition program in operation!. Sharon was nominated for her role in ensuring this program got off the ground, despite being on maternity leave. Thanks to her efforts, all children returning to school today have access to this universally open program supporting their success throughout the school year. Thank you, Sharon!

*As Sharon was on maternity leave, she was not present during the cheque presentation. 

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Chasing dreams should be part of every child’s day. Going without breakfast shouldn’t be.
