Meet Katherine from T.A. Blakelock High School, in Oakville

Deborah from Raising My Boys had the opportunity to get to know Katherine a little bit better. She is one of our 11 Agents of Change student ambas...

Deborah from Raising My Boys had the opportunity to get to know Katherine a little bit better. She is one of our 11 Agents of Change student ambassadors who will be attending our first of its kind summit in Toronto on February 8th.

Katherine, a Grade 12 student at TA Blakelock High School in Oakville, Ontario, is leading the breakfast program at her school. A outreach trip to Kenya last year changed her. She came back and went right to her school's breakfast program to volunteer.

She says there's a lot of shock value in hearing the need for student nutrition programs, that 1 in 6 kids are going to school hungry. But Katherine would like to focus on the impact these types of programs are having on the lives of these school-aged kids. The positive steps that have been taken, and the successes that have been achieved.

Read more of her interview with Deborah here.

Katherine was also interviewed on BTV - Toronto along with Sara, another student ambassador, and Tracy Moore, our #Toonies4Tummies ambassador. 

Help Us Make Breakfast a Reality for a Hungry Child

Chasing dreams should be part of every child’s day. Going without breakfast shouldn’t be.
