From How To Loose a Guy to How to Support Student Nutrition

Showing a moving "How to Loose a Guy in Ten Days" may not seem too out of the norm at a high school, especially when it's on Valentine's Day. But in the case of Emma Harris, a student from Bowmanville a 'simple' movie screening was out of the question.

Showing a moving "How to Loose a Guy in Ten Days" may not seem too out of the norm at a high school, especially when it's on Valentine's Day. But in the case of Emma Harris, a student from Bowmanville a 'simple' movie screening was out of the question.

Emma, an Agents of Change student ambassador for The Grocery Foundation's Toonies for Tummies campaign, saw Valentine's as a timely opportunity to gather her fellow classmates to raise money for Toonies for Tummies, and in so doing raising nearly $1,000.

"I wanted to do something that the students would really want to be involved in", says Emma who posted an online survey that led her down the path of a movie screening. Working with her school SNP partner and fellow classmates, she also arranged for flowers, snacks and popcorn to make the movie fundraiser a success, including with support from her local Metro, which is a retail partner in the campaign.

Emma was also successful in attracting the attention of her MPP, Granville Anderson, who attended her event and who plans on recognizing Emma's efforts and Queen's Park in the coming weeks.

Photo Credit: Carin Harris, EclecticSoapbox

Bowmanville Teen Raising Money, Awareness For Toonies For Tummies

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